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Node Reader Mobile Experience

Work Project


To prototype and test a mobile swipe experience for Node, Intuit's new card reader. By swiping, users can control the play position of the introducing motion.
Duration: 2021.5 (1 Month) 
My role: I was the Interaction prototyper and design concultant for the project. I also worked with the mobile developer to launch the experience.
Technologies: Swift, Xcode, Figma
The web landing page is launched in late 2021


QuickBook's GoPayment team planned to create a marketing experience to promote its new card reader Node. The lead designer wanted to include motion which can be controlled by user swipes, but they don't know if this is technical feasible. Therefore, I took the role and explored the interactions. Later on, I created the high-fidelity mobile prototype and worked with the IOS developer to launch this experience. 

Final Product

Here is a video of the final interaction which was implemented into QuickBook's Gopayment app. 

Original Video

Final Testing Experience

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